Member Services

New User Registration
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Registered User Login

 Forgot userid or passwd?

Trouble Registering?

The most common problem is trying to login before you have activated your account using the confirmation code that we emailed to you. Logging in before your account is activated will give you an "Account Locked" message. Also, please note that both Userid and Password are case sensitive.

Locked Accounts

If your account is locked due to too many invalid login attempts, try using our password reminder function. This will reset your account, change the password, and email you a copy of the new password.

No Confirmation Received

If you don't receive a confirmation email, either you entered the email incorrectly during registration, or we couldn't contact you or your ISP's mail server. If you entered the email address incorrectly, you will have to re-register using a different userid/password pair. If your mail server is down, you'll need to wait until it is back up before you can successfully complete the registration process.

Why do you need my Email

We insist that we have at least one reliable, proven way of contacting you, should there be a problem with your account. If you choose to sign up to one of our mailing lists, we need it for that as well. The email address will never be used for anything without your prior consent.

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